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Examples of Character Design

Many Character Designs ranging from 2014 to present

Through the course of around nine to ten years, KERV has been able to create a plethora of unique characters not only in name but in a rich deep-rooted story. While still keeping all works confidential until released to the public, here are a few of her character designs.

Character 1: Emalie Knight

Oldest Drawing of Emalie Knight
First concept
Older version of Emalie Knight
First update of primary concept
Emalie Knight photo (glowing)
Small concept update
Newest Drawing of Emalie Knight
Most drastic concept (current)

Important Characters 

Old drawing of character Lineup
First concept
(Left to Right) Didache, Addison, Isabella & Paisley
Lineup of four characters for a story including Emilie Knight
Most drastic concept (current)
(Left to Right) Didache Walker, Isabella Sanders, Paisley Aldwin & Addison Baker

Character 2: KERV and


KERV Concept 1
JAN 2019
First concept
KERV Concept 3
FEB 2019
First update of primary concept
KERV Concept 5 (Current)
OCT 2019
Drastic concept update
KERV Concept 5
JUNE 2020
Modified concept (current)

Reference Sheet and Concept Improvement

KERV Ref Sheet 1
KERV Ref Sheet 2 (Current)
MAY 2019
First official reference sheet

Pre-SHIFT an original comic era

NOV 2019
Mass improvement to Ref Sheet

Still, Pre-SHIFT an original comic era, concepts beginning

JULY 2020
Most recent modified ref sheet

Present SHIFT an original comic era

"SHIFT an original comic era"

SHIFT Banner

An original comic

Starring KERV


"Problems. Everyone has a problem they have to overcome in order to better themselves. In other circumstances, they do so for other people around them that they hold dear or both. KERV has many problems, whether she finds the solution or not is one of the biggest problems she will have to face."

Can be found on Webtoon and

KERV Webtoon Comic Stats
KERV Comic Stats

Important Characters 

First Reference Sheet
Massive improvement in concepts

 Present SHIFT the original comic era

Alyak with large green hands coming from her back
Alyak with green Hands and wings
^ Pre-SHIFT an original comic era ^
First Refrence Sheet
Three Different KERV's?...
Primary concepts

Although Crazy, Lust, and Rebellious were not initially created for SHIFT their "pre-Shift an original comic era" versions are the same

Crazy KERV
Rebel KERV

TJ was created for SHIFT,
there was no Pre-SHIFT TJ


Other characters coming soon!

© 2025 by Kayla "KERV" Reyes also known as kervdotco, and Kreating Games Studio. Proudly created with

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